
Vite Plugin CSP Guard

Introducing the Vite Plugin CSP Guard, your ultimate solution for effortlessly implementing a robust Content Security Policy (CSP) in your Vite-powered Single Page Application (SPA). CSPs are crucial for protecting your site against XSS attacks, but setting them up correctly can be complex and time-consuming. Our plugin eliminates these challenges with a straightforward, effective approach.

Why Choose Vite Plugin CSP Guard?

  • Effortless Integration: Simply declare your CSP inside your vite.config.ts file and you're ready to go. No complex setup, no hassle.
  • Automated Hashing: Unlike traditional methods that rely on nonces (which aren't feasible for SPAs), we support hashing.
  • Real-Time CSP Validation: Avoid the risk of shipping code that gets blocked in production. Our plugin runs your CSP in Vite dev mode, providing immediate feedback and ensuring your CSP policies are correct before deployment.
  • Designed for SPAs: Tailored specifically for Single Page Applications, our plugin addresses the unique challenges they present.

Supported Technologies

Here is a quick overview of the technologies we support, categorized by the level of configuration required:


Framework/LibrarySupport LevelNotes
React✅ Out of the Box
Vue⚙️ Small Extra ConfigRequires outlierSupport: ["vue"] in config
Svelte✅ Out of the Box
Solid✅ Out of the Box
Quik❌ Not SupportedWe are actively working on a solution for this.
Lit❌ Not Supported
Remix❌ Not Supported
Remix SPA Mode❌ Not SupportedWe are working on a solution for this.
Nuxt (Vue)❌ Not Supported
Astro❌ Not Supported

CSS Solutions

CSS SolutionSupport LevelNotes
CSS✅ Out of the Box
Tailwind⚙️ Small Extra ConfigRequires outlierSupport: ["tailwind"] in config
SCSS⚙️ Small Extra ConfigRequires outlierSupport: ["scss"] in config
SASS⚙️ Small Extra ConfigRequires outlierSupport: ["sass"] in config
LESS⚙️ Small Extra ConfigRequires outlierSupport: ["less"] in config
STYLUS⚙️ Small Extra ConfigRequires outlierSupport: ["stylus"] in config
Emotion⚠️ Partial SupportRead about this here
MUI⚠️ Partial SupportRead about this here
Styled Components⚠️ Partial SupportRead about this here

Getting Started

Ready to secure your SPA with ease? Follow our comprehensive guide to get started:

Read the SPA Guide

Advice for Multi Page Applications (MPAs)

While our plugin is specifically designed for Single Page Applications (SPAs) and does not support Multi Page Applications (MPAs) due to architectural differences, we understand that developers may still need guidance for implementing CSPs in MPAs.

Our MPA guide is a good place to start:

Read the MPA Guide

Creating your policy

Need some help building your CSP policy? Check out our guide for creating a custom policy

Why We Stand Out

  • Developer Experience (DX) First: Our plugin is designed with developers in mind, ensuring a smooth and intuitive integration process. From easy configuration to real-time CSP validation in development mode, we prioritize making your life easier.
  • Comprehensive Testing: Vite Plugin CSP Guard is thoroughly tested across a wide range of frameworks and libraries to ensure compatibility and reliability. You can trust that our plugin will work seamlessly with your tech stack.

Protect your Vite SPA with a hassle-free, secure, and reliable Content Security Policy. Start using Vite Plugin CSP Guard today and experience peace of mind with your application's security.